Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Physio - Monday 8th June

Spent a weekend resting the knee having felt I might have been pushing it at work a bit much. Luckily plenty of sport to watch and weather pretty bad so didn't feel I was losing out too much. Knee still has swelling and thus difficult to bend at the extremes.Had a good physio session today. Real focus on the straight leg extension and hyper flex of the knee. Rather alarmingly though I was told not to continue with straight leg raises which I have started doing after the last physio session. Need to sort this out as this has been worrying me that I could have been doing some unnecessary damage.

Physio has suggested that we up the routine. Knee flex now upto 113 degrees and 3 degrees of neutral when straight. Physio very encouraged. So another session at the end of this week and then two hour long sessions next week. Also suggested getting going on an exercise bike and shoudl be able to go swimming soon.

It is hitting home a bit that the recovery of this operation is a long haul. I am missing going for walks or doing any serious exercise and worried about what if the graft doesn't work. This has been manifesting itself into a pretty short temper at times with the kids which I guess is a result of general tiredness as well.

Knee does get tight at work and the only way to solve this is good rest and ice and trying not to do much, a difficult thing to do when there is stuff to do at work.

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